Reema Afaneh - Shah Holdings Group

Reema Afaneh

Reema Afaneh is a key member of Shah Holdings Group’s Management Team, serving as Senior Manager, where she is responsible for coordinating all of the SHG projects.

Reema Afaneh is a key member of Shah Holdings Group’s Management Team, serving as Senior Manager, where she is responsible for coordinating all of the SHG projects.

Her responsibilities include ensuring that all projects are completed on time and that they do not go over budget. She has proven herself capable in this field as she is a tireless worker who has a “hands-on” philosophy in handling her duties. In addition, she acts as a liaison between Beruk Construction and Shah Holdings Group in dealing with all of our vendors, suppliers, sub-contractors, lenders, and governmental agencies such as Code Enforcement.

The key to Reema’s success lies in the fact that she is highly organized, which allows her to successfully coordinate the many projects SHG has going at any one time.

Before coming on board with SIG, Reema had a successful career in management in the restaurant industry.

Reema graduated from the University of Memphis where she earned her Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration.

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