Shah Holdings Group Shows Community Support
In September, the Shah family sponsored a community barbecue contest held at a small
park in Rossville, Tenn. The annual community barbecue contest, Smokin’ on the Wolf,
was held from September 23-25. This was the Shah’s first time sponsoring the event as
they are new to the Rossville community, with two investments opening just this past

The Shahs own and operate the biggest gas station in the area, the Rossville Express,
which features the town’s only Subway Restaurant. The restaurant has a small outdoor
dining space that has become an area destination for enjoying a quick meal. A tight-knit
community, Rossville’s Mayor Judy Watters has become a regular at the Rossville

On one of her visits to the gas station, Mayor Judy Watters personally invited the Shahs
to the barbecue. Rather than just attending the event, the Shahs wanted to contribute.
The Shahs thought sponsoring the event would be a great place to start. Since joining
the Rossville community, the neighborhood and city leaders have been very welcoming
and supportive of the Shahs. They wanted to share that same appreciation and
celebrate their new partnership with the city.

At the event, the Shahs met with the chamber of commerce, locals, police, and other
community partners. The family enjoyed food and live music. In the upcoming years,
The Shahs plan to continue their sponsorship, invest in city development, and welcome
those who join the growing Rossville community.